The so-called Edit Mode is an alternative, optional mode which provides development-related functionality available in the Mount&Blade engine. It's hidden and disabled by default. When enabled it provides many useful in-game development tools, including the scene editor, campaign map coordinates and scene generator. It also contains an in-game troop viewer, with Edit Mode enabled there will be new arrow buttons at the character screen which let you view all the troops.[2]
This section is partially outdated regarding the informations and not set up yet, a lot of Work in Progress.
Some remarks to add if not done at other places already, _Sebastian_ and Caba`drin, Modding Q&A
Probably also a bit outdated, Jubal, A Comprehensive guide to scene editiong or Scene Editing (M&B)
Even older (Zendar getting mentioned), Ursca
Edit Mode can be enabled or disabled by using the Allow Edit mode checkbox in the Advanced tab of configuration menu of the game's launcher. Note that activating Edit Mode uses extra resources, slows down gameplay, and lengthens loading times because of the additional assets and processing necessary to run the editor, so it is advised to turn it off during normal play for optimum performance.
It works best together with the Cheats enabled, which provide a better debugging experience for avoiding mundane tasks.
A scene is a game environment where a mission takes place. Scenes are composed of a terrain mesh, scene props (e.g., buildings), flora, and an AI mesh (which is invisible to the player). Terrain meshes can either be generated randomly or pre-determined and shaped before playing. Engine-wise, scenes have two parts: an entry in and a scene object file. The scene entry contains the terrain code among other information, and the scene object file contains information such as how the terrain mesh is modified, where scene props are placed, and the shape of the AI mesh. Note that scenes with randomly generated terrain do not have scene object files.
Any pre-existing scene can be edited by activating Edit Mode and pressing Control+E during a mission. Make sure you are in Windowed/Minimised mode. It's a good idea not to edit a scene that has active agents moving around, as they can cause problems or simply get in your way.
On the EDIT toolbar you see:
Click 'Ground Texturee Paint' and choose a ground texture from the drop-down menu. Radius changes the size of the 'brush'. Weight changes the opacity of the brush. Hardness changes the softness of the edges of the brush.
Select your texture in the slider, to get familiar with them try them all out. Now let's say you want to make a small curved path in a grassy environment. First select the "turf" texture, which is grass. Put radius to let's say 50 and make a nice circle somewhere in the scene. Now put the radius to 20 and hardness on 70, outline the circle. Lower the hardness to 50, outline again. Radius 10, hardness 25 outline one more time. Now this is called smooth texture transitioning. You should have a nice grassy texture, that slowly dissapears to the next texture(say an oasis in a desert). Now select the "path" texture. Radius: 2, Hardness: 70 and make your path. Try to practice, make textures softly transition into each other and such.
This is for colouring the ground in anything you want. Useful for making blood effects, or any sort of training lines. Works the same as Ground Texture Painting, read above.
This is mostly used in singleplayer scenes, for the AI agents (such as villagers, elders, merchants etc.), but can be used in multiplayer for bot matches. It's basically a "path" AI walks on so they don't get stuck or just stagger somewhere.
This is one of the most important aspects of level design. You can shape the environment however you like it. Just like with terrain texturing, keep the hardness, weight and radius in relative, so you get smooth height transitions. Use smooth to smooth the hard edges of mountains, and generally make everything better. If you want water, it's usually around -10 or something, never was really sure. I always set the "Level" option to 0 or 1, and then level the whole scene accordingly. Then start off from a flat map, making mountains, hills and rivers.
The tab you will most use during your scening adventures. Scene props are all the props, items, plants and entry points located in a scene. Scene props are the objects, like buildings, doors, chairs, and such. All the Objects have an X, Y and Z coordinate. Hold G to move the item left and right (X and Y) and hold T to move it up (Z-axis). You can scale the objects (make them bigger or smaller) by any axis. Use the scale X, Y, Z in the toolbar. The initial value is 1.0000.
Plants are obviously...plants and vegetation. Use it to make your scene look more lively. Tip: When making a forest, or randomly generating some bushes and such, tick the "Randomize Scale" and "Randomize Rotation" buttons. It looks much better, not copy pasted.
Item kinds are all items used in a module. Use the items to detail your scene, but only use it within a specific module (you can't put items from let's say Viking Conquest and port the scene to Native).
Entry Points are spawnpoints. Look down in the references for Arch3r's guide.
Passages are used in singleplayer scenes or Persisten World multiplayer mods to quick enter somewhere. E.g. to enter a tavern from the street, put one passage on the outside door of the tavern, and then one inside (obviously, make the tavern interior), and put the same variables to them.
This is only for previewing of the weather. You can simulate any weather condition here, and see how it looks in-game. If you want the weather to work, you must script it such way, see for more informations.
Left Mouse Button | While pressed, mouse movements rotate the camera. |
H | Hides/unhides the highlights and user interface objects (good for taking a screenshot). |
CTRL + Any movement key | Speeds up the camera movements, slows down the object movements. |
Right Mouse Button | Selects objects. |
CTRL + Right Mouse Button | Selects multiple objects. |
Double Click on Sceen Objects list | Selects the clicked object and moves the camera towards it. |
W, A, S, D | Moves the camera. |
C,E | Increases/decreases the height of the camera. |
G | While pressed, mouse movements move the selected object(s) parallel to the ground. |
T | While pressed, mouse movements increase/decrease the height of the selected object(s). |
X, Y, Z | While pressed, mouse movements rotate the selected object(s) with respect to the object's X-, Y- and Z-axis. |
U | While pressed, mouse movements rotate the selected object(s) with respect to the "Up" axis of the world. |
B | Scale selected object. |
B + X | Scale selected object along X-axis. |
B + Y | Scale selected object along Y-axis. |
B + Z | Scale selected object along Z-axis. |
Alt + B | Resets the selected object's scale. |
Delete | Deletes selected object(s). |
Space | Enables "Add Object" mode. |
Right Mouse Button | Adds current object to scene. |
Space | Disables "Add Object" mode. |
T, U, X, Y, Z, R, B | can be used in this mode as described in "Edit Objects" mode. |
Right Mouse Button | Elevates the ground up or down in "Ground Elevate" mode and paints the ground in "Ground Paint" mode. |
Middle Mouse Button | Clears the elevation in "Ground Elevate" mode and clears the paints in "Ground Paint" mode. |
Right Mouse Button | Selects AI mesh objects. |
CTRL + Right Mouse Button | Selects multiple AI mesh objects. |
1 | Activates Vertex Editing Mode. |
2 | Activates Edge Editing Mode. |
3 | Activates Face Editing Mode. |
G, T, X, Y, Z, B, Delete | can be used in this mode as described in "Edit Objects" mode. |
Below here old stuff
Nordous' Sceners Guild:,163368.0.html Arch3r's Spawnpoints Tutorial:,89831.0.html Psychopigeon's Napoleonic Wars Tutorial:,228008.0.html White Snake's Tutorial(+Video):,139214.0.html Mortus' AI Mesh Tutorial:,61126.0.html Turanien's:,112508.0.html MadocComadrin's adding custom maps w/Auto-download:
In the edit mode window (Windowed - Alt+Enter) go to 'Edit Objects', in the bottom window (Add object) scroll through the list to find an object you would like to place in the scene. Click the name and click add object.
To move the object, hold 'G' and move to mouse to move it on a horizontal plane. Hold 'T' and move to move it vertically. Holding Z,X or Y and dragging will rotate the object around the respective axis.
To deselect the object, right click off it. If you want to select an object to move, right click it.
Old (outdated) list with spawnpoints in Native by Amman d Stazia, Modding Q&A
entry point reference for siege scenes (SP), MadVader, Modding Q&A
custom battle scenes spawn points, Docm30, Modding Q&A
Entry points random terrain, Lumos, Modding Q&A
Entry points regular battles, cwr, Modding Q&A
Ai mesh game crashing, Gergin Adam (credit), Modding Q&A
Upper limit of scene props at scene, Docm30, Modding Q&A
hard-coded terrain vertex colours, Somebody, Modding Q&A
blue underwater fog(?), Dusk Voyager, Modding Q&A
random entry points if not placed, Somebody, Modding Q&A and Modding Q&A
underground building in scene, shooting not possible underground, jacobhinds, Modding Q&A, and MadocComadrin, Modding Q&A
ai meshes siege tower, Husselism, Modding Q&A
terrain mountains, jacobhinds, Modding Q&A
world map forest performance, jacobhinds and cmpxchg8b, Modding Q&A
wheat and general scene prop count, jacobhinds, Modding Q&A
ai intermediate points, cwr, Modding Q&A
vertices limit at scene, jacobhinds, Modding Q&A
Raining outside but not in interior, Vornne, Nordous' Sceners Guild
Ai decission making at choosing a way, Ruthven, Modding Q&A
Ai limiter, EmielRegis (credit), Modding Q&A
blue plane edit mode, Ruthven, Modding Q&A
reset terrain at scene editing, InVain, Modding Q&A and Modding Q&A
first generate terrain, then edit scene, kalarhan, Modding Q&A
water_river, Kekse (credit), Modding *Sammelthread*
mirror scene props, Kekse (credit), Modding *Sammelthread*
vertex colour on scenes, various participants, [WB] Warband Script Enhancer v3.2.0 and [WB] Warband Script Enhancer v3.2.0
Pathfinding AI mesh, MadocComadrin, Modding Q&A